This small piece of Atlantic is a unique place dotted with more than 300 islands and islands more beautiful than the others. You surely heard of the Island of Arz, the Ile aux Moines, Gavrinis, Berder...
As an evidence, since 2012, the Gulf is one of the "most beautiful bays in the world".
It is also a natural regional park, territory where the natural and cultural heritage is protected and valued. The changing and unusual landscapes, which vary according to the weather and the tides, will never cease to amaze the curious... Thousands of hectares of rocks, beaches and salt pans house more than 150,000 water birds: stilts, egret gazettes, crested mergansers, seagulls, gulls...
It is an exceptional site for sailing lovers (sea side) and hiking enthusiasts (land side) thanks to the many coastal paths. Otherwise, you can always admire sailing the Sinagots, it is famous sailboats with red sails.
To discover the Gulf in an unforgettable way: think of the flight by helicopter or balloon!