Festival interceltique Lorient - Best Western 4-star hotel

From 4 to 13 August 2023

Le Lorient Interceltic Festival750,000 people from all over the world, not to be missed during your stay at thehotel Best Western Plus Vannes centre-ville à Valves.


 The festival in a nutshell is :

  • 10 days and 10 nights of shows and events
  • 4500 musicians, singers, dancers, visual artists, academics, film-makersScotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, the Isle of Man, Galicia, Asturias, Brittany, the USA, Canada, Australia, etc...
  • A huge parade attracting over 60,000 spectators on the first Sunday
  • More than 1,600 volunteers
  • 120 shows on sceneof which 60 % are free.
  • From fest noziou free of charge music workshopsand conferencesand concerts every day on stages and in bars across the city, the master class Celtic instruments, daily parades, music festivals and bagpipe competitionThere will also be a gaita, accordion, Celtic harp, drums and pipe bands, an arts and luthiers' garden, a Words and Solidarity area, etc.
  • Sport : Sail races (CeltiCup), golf (Golfceltrophy), gouren, Breton athletic games, etc.
  • From art exhibitions and costumes, a book platform, a artisan market in keeping with the theme of the festival.

Click here to find out more about the 2023 Interceltic Festival programme. here.

Lorient Interceltic Festival 2023

For reservations at thehotel Best Western PLUS Vannes centre-ville in VannesContact us by telephone on 02 97 63 20 20 or by email à info@bestwestern-vannescentre.com


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